About Us
Introducing RAP BATTLE NEPAL "Rap Ko Mahyuddha," a groundbreaking television reality show that stands as the first of its kind in Nepal. This exhilarating competition is set to captivate audiences as it unfolds on the vibrant screens of AP1 TV HD. Dedicated to the spirited promotion of Rap, Hip Hop, and Nep Hop Culture, Rap Battle Nepal aims to be a catalyst for the burgeoning music scene. Notably, the show takes its prowess to an international level by engaging not only local talent but also welcoming renowned International Artists as participants and esteemed Judges. This global infusion promises a dynamic and diverse showcase of rap artistry, fostering a cross-cultural exchange that transcends borders. Rap Battle Nepal is not just a competition; it's a celebration of linguistic diversity. The participants are drawn not only from the artistic landscape of Nepal but also include Nepali-speaking talents from across the border in India. This inclusion not only adds a unique flavor to the competition but also underscores the show's commitment to uniting rap enthusiasts within the broader Nepali diaspora. Get ready for an unparalleled blend of talent, culture, and rhythm as Rap Battle Nepal unfolds its beats on AP1 TV HD, setting the stage for an electrifying journey into the heart of rap music, where creativity knows no boundaries.